iTAMs (e-Learning)



iTAMS stands for Integrative, Technology-empowered, Adaptive, and Multimodal Schooling learning approach.  


Learners from Preschool to Grade 3 (Early Childhood) are guided through “Thematic Learning or Thematic Instruction” – a way of teaching and learning where emphasis is given to choosing a specific theme for the teaching of one or many concepts. Areas of the curriculum are connected together and integrated within a theme.  

Students from Grades 4 to 10 (Elementary and Junior High School) are given either performance-based or outcomes-based projects employing “Integrative Learning” – a way of learning where students apply the concepts they learned from the lessons from different related subjects. 


Teaching and learning will happen remotely for most parts of the school year. Delivery of instruction will be through CANVAS and/or via age-appropriate learning platforms for pre-K to Grade 10 learners. CANVAS is the school’s Learning Management System (LMS).  To know more about CANVAS, please visit 


Curriculum has been reviewed, revised, and enriched to align with the Department of Education’s Minimum Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) and the school’s vision, mission, and aspiration. The curriculum adapts to the different flexible learning strategies that the school will use to best serve the needs of the students. 

Multimodal Schooling 

FEU Cavite BED uses flexible learning options such as online distance learning, modular distance learning, and blended learning. Online distance learning (ODL) and/or modular distance learning (MDL) will be adopted for the first two (2) quarters. If and only when GCQ is lifted, then, blended learning will be implemented. Necessary information and orientation about health and safety protocols will be disseminated accordingly. 


Online Distance Learning (ODL) for Pre-K to Grade 3 Learners

Guided pure online learning for the 1st quarter or until the official announcement of a pandemic-free condition is made  

  • Assigned class groups: maximum of three (3) Preschool, four (4) Grade 1, and four (4) Grade 2 learners per group 
  • Scheduled synchronous activity: virtual discussion/video conferencing led by the teacher to ensure interactive and engaging learning experiences and virtual discussion/video conferencing with parents or guardians for consultation and feedback 
  • Scheduled asynchronous session: completion of online activities, study guides, and learning modules 
  • Recorded learning resources: video lectures/discussions prepared by the teachers and uploaded on CANVAS or other online platforms 
  • Flexible assessment: based on learner’s readiness as reflected in the Mastery Learning Path 


Time MONDAY Synchronous Tuesday Asynchronous Wednesday Synchronous Thursday Asynchronous Friday Synchronous 
8:00-8:30 ECEssion 1: “All About Myself” Group A  ECEssion 2: “All About Myself” Group A ECEssion 3: “All About Myself” Group A ECEssion 4: “All About Myself” Group A ECEssion 5: “All About Myself” Group A 
8:30-9:00 BREAK 
9:00-9:30 ECEssion 1: “All About Myself” Group B ECEssion 2: “All About Myself” Group B ECEssion 3: “All About Myself” Group B ECEssion 4: “All About Myself” Group B ECEssion 5: “All About Myself” Group B 
9:30-10:00 BREAK 
10:00-10:30 ECEssion 1: “All About Myself” Group C ECEssion 2: “All About Myself” Group C ECEssion 3: “All About Myself” Group C ECEssion 4: “All About Myself” Group C ECEssion 5: “All About Myself” Group C 
10:30-11:30 LUNCH BREAK 
11:30-12:00 ECEssion 1: “All About Myself” Group D ECEssion 2: “All About Myself” Group D ECEssion 3: “All About Myself” Group D ECEssion 4: “All About Myself” Group D ECEssion 5: “All About Myself” Group D 
12:00-2:30 – ECEssion with Parents (Groups A-D) – ECEssion with Parents (Groups A-D) 

Synchronous (S): live/virtual/online class (average of 30 minutes, three times a week) 
Asynchronous (AS): online modules, reading/writing activities, pre-recorded videos, art projects, etc. (average of 1 hour for pre-K and Kinder and 2 hours for Grades 1-3)

Online Distance Learning (ODL) for Grades 4 to 10 Students

A combination of Synchronous and Asynchronous activities/sessions will be used for instructions in all subjects. 


Period Time Monday and Thursday Tuesday and Friday Wednesday 
8:00-8:45 Math (S) Science (S) Asynchronous Activities 
9:00-9:45 Math (AS) Science (AS) 
10:00-10:45 English (S) MAPEH (S) 
11:00-11:45 English (AS) MAPEH (AS) 
1:00-1:45 TLE (S) AP (S) 
2:00-2:45 TLE (AS) AP (AS) 

Synchronous (S): live/virtual/online class
Asynchronous (AS): independent work, consultations, CANVAS modules

ODL Technical Requirement

Optimizing ODL experience 

GADGET Computer 5 years old or newer (if possible) 1GB of RAM and 2GHz processor 
Smart Phone or Tablet Android apps require version 5.0 or later iOS apps require version 12 or later All Android and iOS support the two most recent versions of their respective operating systems 
INTERNET  CONNECTIVITY Minimum of 512Kbps speed 
SUPPORTED BROWSERS Chrome 80 and 81 Firefox 75 and 76 Edge 80 and 81 Safari 12 and 13 (Macintosh only) 


For your information:

Distance Learning takes place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically  remote from each other during instruction. Three (3) types: 

  • Online distance learning 
  • Modular distance learning 
  • TV/Radio-based instruction 

Blended Learning is a combination of face-to-face and online distance learning, modular distance learning, and/or TV/Radio-based instruction. 


Please connect with us: 

  • BED iTAMS Primer will be sent to your email for other details.  
  • For comments, questions, and other concerns related to this, please send them to  
  • Follow our official FB pages for updates: 

